At PEAK SEO we understand that not all businesses have a huge marketing budget set aside and that, quite often, their ability to continue marketing is largely dependent on their success. Our “Pay-As-You-Grow” SEO pricing model allows you to establish your online presence and improve your visibility in the major search engines as your budget allows and as you see progress.


SEO (Search Engine Optimization) will help people find your website through organic search results in the major search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Webpages don’t promote themselves and sometimes they need a little help. At PEAK SEO we specialize in helping businesses drive targeted traffic to their websites. It’s not enough for people to be able to find your website just by typing your company name into the search engines. What happens if people don’t know your company name? Effective SEO services will help make sure people can find you when they search for industry-specific terms that are related to your products or services.


SEO service costs vary from website to website because every industry has a different level of competition and every website needs a different amount of work. SEO services consist of monitoring your website’s performance, evaluating your competition, analyzing and assessing issues with your website that could be hindering performance, and making the required changes.

On average SEO can be performed for starting at $1000 per month except in the situations where a business is in a competitive niche will require additional backlinks. First-time clients will have to pay an additional one-time fee of $60 which will cover initial site traffic analysis and performance assessment.


Believe it or not the purpose of SEO really isn’t to just get your webpage to show up at the top of the search results in the major search engines and it’s a good thing it’s not. Even Google says to be wary of people who guarantee to get your website a top ranking in the search engines. The real purpose of SEO is to get more targeted traffic to your website by making it easier for people to find you when they conduct online searches.

If our services do not result in your website receiving more targeted traffic than it was receiving prior to using our services then you will get a refund. We will not take you on as a client unless we believe you will benefit from our services.